Exports & Imports (Nation Wide)
Search for Commodity by Country
There are five menus as below to search for Japan's import-export data . Available data are: annual trade totals for 1988 through to 1999, together with the current month total for December of each year; and monthly data from the last updated date.
- Commodity by Country = HS codes of 9 digits =
Current Month (Quantity,Value,Share,Average Price) + Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value, Share, Average Price) + Ratio to the preceding month + Ratio to the same month in the preceding year
- Commodity by Country = HS codes of 6 digits =
Current Month (Value, share) + Cumulative Year to Date (Value, share)
+ Ratio to the preceding month + Ratio to the same month in the preceding year
- Commodity by Country = HS codes of 4 digits =
- Commodity by Country = HS codes of 2 digits =
- Commodity by Country = Annual / 5 Years = (9 digits)
Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value) for the past 5 years from base year
- Commodity by Country = Annual / 12 Month = (9 digits)
Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value) for the past 12 month from base month
Search for Country by Commodity
- Country by Commodity = HS codes of 9 digits =
Current Month (Quantity, Value, Average Price) + Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value, Average Price)
+ Ratio to the preceding month + Ratio to the same month in the preceding year
- Country by Commodity = HS codes of 6 digits =
Current Month (Value,Average Price) + Cumulative Year to Date (Value,Average Price)
+ Ratio to the preceding month + Ratio to the same month in the preceding year
- Country by Commodity = HS codes of 4 digits =
- Country by Commodity = HS codes of 2 digits =
- Value of Export & Import by Country / Balance
Current Month (Value, Share) + Cumulative Year to Date (Value, Share)
+ Ratio to the preceding month + Ratio to the same month in the preceding year
- Country by Commodity = The top of 30/50/100 =
Current Month (Quantity, Value, share, Average Price) + Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value, share, Average Price)
+ Ratio to the preceding month+ Ratio to the same month in the preceding
Customs Data
Search for Commodity by Country (by Customs)
Theses menus are search for Japan's import-export data by customs. Available datas are: annual trade totals for 1995 through to 2000, together with the current month total for December of each year; and monthly data from the last updated date.
- Commodity by Country (by Customs) = HS codes of 9 digits =
Port(Code, Name)+Current Month (Quantity, Value, Average Price) + Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value, Average Price)
- Commodity by Country (by Customs) = Annual / 5 Years = (from 1995 to 2001) (9 digits)
Cumulative Year to Date (Quantity, Value) for the past 5 years from base year (TOTAL)
Search for Customs
- Value of Export & Import by Customs
Current Month (Value, Share) + Cumulative Year to Date (Value, Share)