
  • Search, display and printing of Japan's import-export data for each category of commodities and by country based on the HS Coding System (statistical commodity code numbers identified by 2/4/6/9 digits).
  • Listing of commodity descriptions corresponding to 2/4/6/9-digit code data under each category of commodities and by country.
  • Search, display and printing of Japan's import-export data for each country and by category of commodities based on the HS Coding System (2/4/6/9-digit codes).
  • Search, display and printing of Japan's import-export data for each country and by category of commodities based on the HS Coding System (2/4/6/9-digit codes).
  • Monthly reports of the top 30 exports and imports are automatically sent (PDF file) by e-mail on the day of announcement every month. (Optional service)
  • The latest data will be released in the Jtrade website on the same day of announcement by the Trade Statistics Reference Room, Ministry of Finance.
Item. / Classification. Exports & Imports
(Nation Wide)
Exports & Imports
(by Customs)
Year / Monthly(*) (Year)
For years 1988 through to 1999,
For years 1995 through to 2000,
  from January 2000
from January 2001
Commodity by Country 2/4/6/9 digits 9 digits
Country by Commodity 2/4/6/9 digits -
Annual Commodity by Country / 5 Years
Commodity by Country / 12 Month
Commodity by Customs / 5 Years
Value of Export & Import by Country, Balance by Customs
Option Services E-Mail(PDF) E-Mail(PDF)
  • (*)Year (Only the yearly trade totals summed up in December of each year)
  • (*)Monthly (There are monthly breakdown data for January to November.)