The means by which the Association strives to achieve its stated purposes are varied. The principal ones are: the collection and supply of information relating to tariffs and trade, including the publication of trade returns, books and manuals; maintaining a library service; preparing petitions to the government on tariffs and trade; and holding meetings to study problems relating to the above.
There are two types of activities in this field. In the first type of activity, information collected is supplied to the public through publications; e.g.,"Trade and Tariffs(monthly),""Digest of Trade and Business(monthly),"and "Customs and Tariffs Weekly News(weekly)." These periodicals contain not only essays regarding tariff and trade matters, but also the latest amendments to laws and regulations, commentaries thereon, as well as reports and data on overseas trade in general. They are in wide use as authoritative sources on trade information.
Another type of activity carried on by the Association is the holding of meetings with a view to supply information for the study of trade-related problems. The Japan Tariff Association holds, from time to time, various meetings in both its headquarters and branches. The following meetings are held monthly at the headquarters:"The Study Group on Trade and Business,"which focuses on the latest amendments to laws and regulations;"The Study Group on Customs and Tariff Problems,"which pays particular attention to the latest revision of tariff rates, activities of international organizations and also movements in international trade and economics;"The Study Group on Customs and Tariffs Related to Economic Matters,"which uses legal, economics and practical business approaches to conduct studies of tariff problems and other problems related to international trade;"The Study Group on Tariff Administration,"at which private citizens voice their opinions on tariff administration; and "The Lecture Meeting on Current Topics of Tariffs and Trade,""Meetings to study the system of supervised customs factories" organize various meetings and conferences to study matters which may be of interest to the regions in which they are located.
The Association conducts, on its initiative, studies on various subjects such foreign tariffs, customs procedures, and the trade practices of certain foreign countries. Research and studies may also be conducted when requested by other persons and organizations.
Examples of studies conducted by the Association are:"The tracing of the physical flow of goods imported by air or in containers,""The possible repercussions to the domestic industries by the introduction of preferential duties," and "The utilization of customs bonded warehouses and transit systems." The studies may be conducted by means of questionnaire or on-the-spot investigation, and closely linked to the aforementioned petition activities.
The Association collects and compiles a great deal of literature and data on foreign trade tariffs. In addition to our own publications, the library makes available to the public other information concerning tariff and trade statistics of various foreign countries.