Home > Our Services > Jtrade Service > How to Order

How to Order

Be sure to read the following before placing an order:

You can apply for the service through the website.

Order for Jtrade Service (Nationwide foreign trade statistics/Customs)

  1. Fill in the application form.
  2. Check the entry and send us the application form.
  3. We will send you a confirmation note by e-mail.
  4. After completion of the procedure, we will send a bill (or an estimate) by mail or fax.
  5. After confirmation of your payment, we will send you your user ID, password, by mail.

Order Form

If you opt for this service, you must have "Acrobat Reader" ready on your computer to read PDF files sent as attachments. If not yet installed, you can download this dedicated program free from the Adobe Systems Web site.


* Acrobat Reader is a registered trademark that belongs to Adobe Systems,